6 minutes
Overlay Network Configuration
The next step in my nerdy networking hobby was to expand my server configuration to allow remote access to my home network. Naturally, this involved setting up a VPN and some way to access it from outside the network, among other things.
The motivation is to be able to access my NAS for backups and Navidrome for playing my music collection remotely. In future, I’ll most likely include more services.
I decided to go a step further and set up a kind of an overlay network. That way, all my devices will be able to talk to each other and to any device at home, regardless of where they are. In addition, I can grant access to my family members’ devices so that they can use any service the network provides, while being separable from my devices by putting them on different subnets.
Connecting to the home network
The first thing that needs to be addressed is how to actually access the home network. There are a few ways to achieve that:
- Public IP address. My ISP actually does offer that, both IPv4 and IPv6! But you need to pay extra, and if I ever decided to change the ISP (or they changed their services), I would lose this option. More importantly, I didn’t feel like requesting a public IP address for something that’s essentially a playground.
- Dynamic DNS. Another option is to reserve a subdomain of my domain and to configure dynamic DNS for that subdomain. My DNS provider allows that (how lucky I am with providers!), but this felt a bit too much like relying on external services only to connect to my home.
- Connecting through another server. Finally, I settled on this solution. A WireGuard peer running at home will connect to my server, just like any other peer. Since WireGuard doesn’t distinguish between clients and servers (though the terminology often slips), all peers are equal. The server will take care of routing packets destined to the home network through the correct peer, which will act as a gateway.
The gateway is, unsurprisingly, a Raspberry Pi. Normally, one would install WireGuard on their router, but I’m running a MikroTik device, and their RouterOS won’t support WireGuard until version 7 (which isn’t exactly stable at the time of writing).
The Raspberry must be configured to act as a router. This means that IP forwarding must be enabled, and the correct firewall rules must be in place. This is similar to the server configuration described below. Furthermore, a keepalive setting is necessary to keep the NAT mapping open.
In addition, the AllowedIPs
section of all peers’ WireGuard configs must be
set to allow access to the entire private network range.
The network configuration is implemented as a systemd service running on my server. The service controls a shell script that sets up the network components based on a configuration file described below. The script really only accepts two commands: one to set up the network, the other to tear it down.
Because the script only sets up a couple of system options, a service isn’t strictly necessary. However, it provides me with more control over its runtime, allowing me to easily launch it on startup or stop when necessary. Such kind of service that only launches a particular program is known as a oneshot service.
Network structure
The structure of the entire network is configured in a JSON file that contains the IPv4 and IPv6 ranges of all subnets, IP addresses of the gateway, and local DNS entries. The control script uses jq to extract the individual entries.
Schematically, the network looks like this:
- The Internal subnet contains my devices with full access to the entire network, including full tunneling.
- The Isolated subnet is reserved for devices of family members. These are trusted in the sense that they can access both the server and the home network. They cannot be configured for full tunneling, though (enforced by the firewall rules described below). This is so that I don’t get banned from my VPS provider for network activity beyond my control.
- The Home gateway is the Raspberry Pi connected to the server through the VPN.
- The Home subnet runs the services accessible from all devices in the network.
Network configuration components
The remainder of this posts describes what needs to be done to setup the network control on the server. The steps are performed in this order when starting, and in the reverse order when stopping the network service.
Nftables entries
First, nftables must be configured in the following way (in addition to the already configured rules; input to the server is already allowed from the WireGuard interface).
- Allow forwarding packets from Internal subnet to the Internet.
- Allow forwarding packets from Internal subnet back to Internal subnet.
- Allow forwarding packets from Isolated subnet back to Isolated subnet.
- Allow forwarding packets from the WireGuard interface to the Home subnet.
- Drop everything else.
I tried a few different ways, and eventually settled on pre-configuring empty sets of IP addresses and address ranges, and the above forwarding rules. The network control script then simply fills the sets with the correct entries when starting the service, and flushes them when stopping it.
Local DNS
The next step is to configure the Unbound resolver to resolve local domains to
the correct IP addresses. This is done by creating a file with the local DNS
records inside the /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d
directory, whose content is
set to be automatically included in my Unbound
There’s an unfortunate situation around TLS certificates. Modern browsers sound all kinds of alarms when they access a domain with no certificate configured, regardless of whether the IP address is in an RFC 1918-reserved range or not.
Of course, a TLS certificate for a site only accessible by trusted computers in a home network or through a VPN is hardly necessary, but tell that to the browsers. Naturally, it’s not possible to obtain a Let’s Encrypt certificate for a private IP address. Using a self-signed certificate is of no help, because then the browsers just complain about it being untrusted.
I could reserve a special subdomain of my domain for the home network, get a Let’s Encrypt certificate for that, and enjoy my complaint-free web browsing experience. My domain is a bit too long as it is, though, and going through this hassle only to make browsers happy is not worth it.
In the end, I simply didn’t configure any certificate at all and I hope that
the HTTPS everywhere Firefox mode won’t become mandatory. In turn, this allows
me to use the reserved
.home.arpa domain. I saw that
people often use the .local
domain, but that’s actually reserved for
IP forwarding
This step simply enables IPv4 and IPv6 forwarding by setting the
and net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding
kernel parameters
using the sysctl
IP routes
Finally, IP routes are set so that all packets for the home subnet are routed via the home gateway.
1216 Words
2022-06-16 20:10